Heart Smart for Kids (an affiliate of Heart Smart Technology), is a non-profit organization which is dedicated to providing life-saving technology and support to organizations and communities in which children may be at risk for SCA (Sudden Caridac Arrest). With each AED (Automated External Defibrillator) sale through Heart Smart Technology, a portion of the proceeds will be contributed to the Heart Smart Donation Pool which will be used quarterly to donate either equipment and/or funds to children who may be in dire need. The following is a list of candidates who may be eligible to receive our donations:
- Schools with insufficient or unavailable funds (public and private)
- Children suffering from heart condition (within families with low/no income)
- Children's Hospitals and/or health clinics
- Churches (i.e Sunday School, preschool, etc.)
- Children's Camps (athletic, seasonal, religious, etc.)
- Others considered upon request
Heart Smart for Kids
Copyright 2010. Heart Smart Technology. All Rights Reserved.